Cam Elliott

Brand Identity

Creative Content

Here, you’ll find a collection of my brand identity related projects. My most recent work comes from Green Mountain Technology (GMT), where I work as the brand manager and designer.

Why Does Brand Identity Matter?

It might seem like a pretty abstract concept, but your brand identity is actually one of the most important things for your business.

Much more than a logo or a tagline, your brand identity is the personality of your company come to life. Done well, a strong brand identity sets you apart from the competition by helping you connect with your customers and build trust.

Creating A Brand Identity Requires Many Hats

Not only am I responsible for creating the look, feel, and voice of the brand, I oversee a variety of the platforms and touch-points used to communicate that identity. For example, I am the web designer and developer, I design emails, and all of our sales collateral.

Brand Identity Related Posts

Corporate Brand Identity
Corporate Brand Identity

A collection of customer touchpoints and internal style documents created by Cam Elliott to form a corporate brand identity.

Corporate Email Design
Corporate Email Design

A collection of branded corporate email designs made for virtual event invitations and resource downloads, created by Cam Elliott.

Company Brand Book
Company Brand Book

A company brand book and brand identity written and designed by Cam Elliott. This is the first brand book for the company.